The Trauma Cycle

The Effect of Stress on Total Health

To have total health, we need these 5 key elements working together to support each other and our bodies and minds.

Each system, like the systems in our bodies, need each other to function at their best and create an environment for healing.

When trauma/Stress occurs…

Stress affects all of these factors. If we no longer have time to eat properly or see the value in hydration, this has a dramatic effect on our ability to manage stress - we no longer have the building blocks to remain calm and collected. Our sleep can be negatively impacted leaving us too tired to interact with others or exercise. Our total health - physical, mental and social - begins to snowball.

Immediately, this affects our digestion and immune systems as well, leaving us more vulnerable to physical disease and other symptoms.

Trauma can be a precursor to auto-immunity, IBS, cancer, hormone imbalances, and more.

Sometimes we are short-sighted with symptom chasing and moment-to-moment reactions, but being healthy isn’t a moment we reach. Health is a resilience we build - so we won’t have to work so hard to be healthy. If we think of health as a river, we work to slowly move the path of that river closer and closer - through practice - until it flows right to us.

When we work on each of these areas, at the same time, they begin to build off each other and create resiliency in our minds, body, and life.

Want to learn more about how we can work together to build resilience for you?


Meet Margot

As a survivor, I understand firsthand the toll that trauma can take on the body and mind. Through adding functional nutrition and lifestyle to my trauma support, I was able to map out my patterns and find the root cause of my physical and mental symptoms - and find resilience.


Emerge Nutrition

Our Practice focuses on building health and wellness resilience through customizable lifestyle frameworks and targeted, dynamic nutrition strategies.