Our Story

Emerge Nutrition was founded to support women and empaths in their wellness using a holistic lens and trauma-informed care.

As a DV survivor, our founder Margot Najkolli understands that in order to Emerge into a new normal, we need to build a foundation of health as individuals and in communities.

At Emerge Nutrition we do this through what we can control: Nutrition and lifestyle, mindset, interpersonal advocacy, and social awareness.

We can step into our power if we understand how.

OUr Approach is Functional, integrative, and value-based

  • Focus on finding and addressing the root cause of physical, mental and social symptoms

  • Use whole self based techniques, strategies, and frameworks.

  • Create natural pathways to motivation while conserving energy with the most targeted nutrition and lifestyle modifications.

  • Our tools integrate nutrition, lifestyle, supplements, essential oils, social awareness, self-empowerment, mindfulness, intuitive practice, and community building.

Our Soapbox

  • Health is Dynamic

    We often think of illness as a mountain to climb, then when we get to the other side we’ll be healthy. This is not the case, our health is always changing so building resiliency is the key to long-term health. We think of health as slowly moving a river so it effortlessly flows towards you, so you don’t have to work so hard to get the resources you need.

  • Health is Physical, Mental and Social

    You might also say spiritual. All of these aspects of our whole selves affect one another, they cannot be separated, especially in the realm of your health.

    We help our clients get closer to total health by exploring the connections between all of these and finding strategies that include the whole picture.

  • The Current Health Care System

    You might expect a holistic health practitioner to dog on the traditional health care system, but that is not doing it justice. Western healthcare is set up to alleviate symptoms, not address root causes, and has great success rates in emergencies. However, it was not designed to provide, nor does it benefit from preventative strategies - which is part of why burnout rates are so high in medical professionals. There is a gap that holistic health practitioners can fill, and it is our responsibility as consumers to invest in systems and companies that provide proper care in these areas and yield efficient long-term results.

  • Health is never a 1:1 cause and effect

    There is always one or many roots and one or many downstream effects. When we chase symptoms, it can feel like we are mopping up the floor. We want to take the time to find the root causes so we can turn off the faucet.

    This strategy is so much more efficient because we can focus on the essential few modifications needed for the most impact, as opposed to the trivial many options we have. Those often cause us to feel like we have to do everything, then we get overwhelmed and often give up and do nothing. We want to use our frameworks to toss our clients a life-preserver so they don’t spend their lives treading water. We want you to float peacefully.

  • Our Bodies are Magic

    They have this incredible ability to heal themselves if we give them everything they need. They also are very good at communicating what those needs are, we only need to learn how to pay attention.

    After someone experiences trauma or loss, the mind-body connection often loses bandwidth. At the same time, both are connected to the world in a different way than before. When they can’t rely on each other through a strong connection, there can be anxiety or depression that comes out of not being able to filter and establish boundaries with this new world connection - and our health suffers.

    Re-establishing that connection can be a huge piece of creating a state of healing and resilience within the body.

  • We Need Connection

    If there is all the information that we need available to us, why are we not seeing a decrease in chronic illnesses and an increase in mental illnesses and symptoms? Watching a YouTube video isn’t going to give us the context or the resources to health ourselves long term. We need strategic partnerships with key health practitioners and a network of people to support us. We also need to be able to find ways to support others to feel whole and with purpose. Emerge aims to create a space for lifestyle nutrition in communities so we can all #emergetogether.

A look at our clients

We practice an Intersectional Feminist, Trauma-Informed approach to health and wellness, emphasizing dismantling oppressive systems and Food and Body Empowerment.

There are physical, mental and social components to:

  • Auto-Immune disorders (including diabetes) Heart Disease, Liver or Kidney Diseases, and others

  • REPRODUCTIVE HEALTH ISSUES- including PCOS and Severe PMS, Infertility, Pregnancy Symptoms, Postpartum Depression and Anxiety

  • Digestive Issues - IBS with constipation, IBS with diarrhea, IBS with both, SIBO, Ulcers/Gastritis, Food sensitivities, or intolerances.

  • Mental and Adrenal issues: Depression, Anxiety, Dementia, Severe Brain Fog (especially post low-carb diets), ADHD, Chronic Fatigue.

Our clients understand that there is a bigger picture to our individual and collective health. They want to step into their power to impact their health and communities.


Nutrition and lifestyle are major factors in our health. We work with clients to find the essential modifications and support needed to be as in control of our health as possible.

We use an integrated, functional framework begin to map your body and create strategies that will get you to where you want to be with your health. This can include nutrition and lifestyle, mindfulness practice, essential oils, supplements, and other tools.

We offer various programs to meet clients’ needs, but they all start with us getting to know you.

Deeper Look

What is a Functional Approach?

Functional Nutrition is an approach that focuses on the whole person, including their physical, mental, and social health. It is an investigatory style that aims to find and address the ROOT cause of illness and/or symptoms through food, exercise, lifestyle modification, social awareness, and creating a mind-body connection. The idea is to foster personalized, sustainable LONG-TERM health instead of merely reacting to short-term issues, i.e. SYMPTOM CHASING.

At Emerge, we want to bring this mindset to the mainstream through education, community and social support, 1:1 counseling, groups and memberships, webinars, and online courses. After all the confusion of 2020, particularly around threats to our physical, mental, and social health, we believe that Functional Nutrition is an actionable path to wellness for us individually and in society. We want to make total wellness possible and more accessible for Southeast Michigan and beyond.


What is bio-Individuality

The idea is that, though we all have the same basic needs and have the same basic anatomy, we are completely unique in body and mind. This can be attributed to different experiences, exposures, internal, and external factors, which should be explored when addressing long-term health.

You are UNIQUE.